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Parade Line up

Hats Off Day is hosted by the Heights Merchants BIA (business improvement area) as our way to take our “hats off” to our community and a day to give back to our customers. One of the most exciting parts of Hats Off Day is the Parade, which spans from Gamma to Hastings, and features several community members. Read below to discover the full 2024 parade line up:

Naši partnerji, in, nudijo slovenskim igralcem izjemne možnosti za zabavo in nagrade.

  1. Colour Party Royal Canadian Legion
  2. RCMP
  3. Canadian Air Cadets
  4. Elected Officials
  5. Heights Merchants Association BIA
  6. Teamsters Union
  7. Headwaze Salon
  8. Burnaby Fire Department
  9. Rotary Burnaby
  10. Seton Villa
  11. Burnaby North Marching Band
  12. Burnaby For our Kids
  13. City of Burnaby – Eco Sculpture Department
  14. Maquilishuatl El Salvador Group
  15. Anytime Fitness
  16. Charlford House Society for Women
  17. Burnaby Eagles Australian Football Club
  18. Simon Fraser University Pipe Band
  19. Lotus Sports Club
  20. Pacific Grace Mandarin Church
  21. Burnaby FC
  22. Falun Dafa Association
  23. Burnaby Lake Rugby Club
  24. Metro Taekwondo Studio
  25. Reliance Insurance
  26. Rancho Cruz de Cristo
  27. St. John Ambulance Burnaby Cadets

Contact The Festival

Hats Off Day is produced by the Heights Merchants Association. The Heights Merchants Association is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that works to foster the economic development of the Heights business district in cooperation with the community. They organize this special festival as a way to unite the community, celebrate what we have together, and give back.

Please get in touch by email for any of the following:

Burnaby Non-profit Organizations’ Display Information

Display Information at the Urban Renewal Site –  (Please note, due to keeping the spirit of Hats Off Day truly local, we regret we cannot include non-Burnaby organizations. Visit the Displays page for eligibility information.)

Merchant Participation  (Please note, due to keeping the spirit of Hats Off Day truly local, and because the event is hosted and paid for by Burnaby Heights merchants as a customer appreciation day, we regret we cannot include vendors from outside the area.)

Sponsorship or phone 604-294-9060

For all other inquiries, please fill out the form below.

Tel. 604-294-8899